The logo of the Darwin Ramos Association has 3 colors:
- White background: White is the color of innocence, purity and virginity which reminds us of true perfection and a link to the Divine. Darwin lived the purity of childhood and chastity. His relationship with Christ was deep and intense.
- Black (facial features and letters): Black reminds us that Darwin underwent his trials of illness until his bodily death. He mourned the loss of a child’s carefree life. Black is the color of dirt which covers the bodies of the street children of Manila. Black is also associated with simplicity because Darwin was a poor, tiny person in his own story which teaches us a very simple holiness.
- Yellow: No other color is as joyful as yellow. It is the color of joy because Darwin is a master of Joy. Joy is also associated with friendship. Throughout his illness, Darwin never withdrew into his own world. On the contrary, he always opened his heart to others. He was a friend to all, giving and receiving this love of friendship, until the love of God.
The logo of the Darwin Ramos Association is composed of 4 elements:
- The youthful face of Darwin, drawn as a comic strip, is that of an adolescent, with a profound look and a large smile, manifesting joy. He wears a moustache because he died in his puberty, at the age of 17.
- The sun of the Philippine flag is a reminder of Darwin’s nationality. Here, the sun symbolizes Jesus Christ, the Sun of Justice. The sun is also a reminder of the monstrance which holds the Body of Christ at its center. The rays of divine grace are received during Eucharistic adoration. The Cross of Christ lies beneath its surface. The sun is placed between the first name and the last name, which is at the center of Darwin’s person because Jesus and his Cross are at the center of his life, in his heart.
- “DARWIN RAMOS”: The complete name is done in childlike hesitant handwriting which reminds us that Darwin could still write despite his illness. Several hours before his death, he left a spiritual testament, a great summary of his life, written with difficulty at the hospital while he was intubated: “A huge thank you. I am very happy.” His life was full of joy and thanksgiving.
- “the Filipino master of Joy”: Darwin is the Filipino master of Joy. The sentence is in English because the Philippines is an English-speaking country. “master” is written with a small letter because only Jesus Christ is the Master, but Joy begins with a capital letter because Darwin participates in the very Joy of Christ.