The Darwin Ramos Association, petitioner of the cause for beatification and canonization of the Servant of God Darwin Ramos, nominated Rev. Fr. Thomas de Gabory, OP, a French Dominican priest as postulator on 14 March 2018. Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, Bishop of Cubao in the Philippines confirmed the nomination by a decree dated 25 May 2018. A vice-postulator was also appointed by the postulator with the consent of the petitioner.
What is the meaning of postulator?
The postulator is a physical person who represents the petitioner in the cause for beatification and canonization of Darwin Ramos (in this case, the Darwin Ramos Association is the petitioner). He is the one who handles the cause before the diocesan tribunal. He defends the interests of the cause and collaborates with ecclesiastical authorities in the search for truth. One can say that the postulator is the spirit (or the soul) of the process.
The postulator is nominated by the petitioner of the cause. This nomination is confirmed by the proper ecclesiastical authority, i.e. the bishop of the diocese where the Servant of God died. Since Darwin Ramos died in Quezon City, the bishop qualified to handle this is from the diocese of Cubao.
In the preparatory stage of the proceedings, the postulator must write a biography of the Servant of God by compiling the main aspects of his life and his virtues. He prepares an initial list of the witnesses which he can later on complete when the proceedings start. Finally he must write and present to the bishop the request to open the cause.
During the proceedings, the postulator has no right to attend the hearings but he can read the acts of the proceedings as soon as pieces of evidence have been gathered so he may ask, if needed, more information.
In the case of the cause for Darwin Ramos, the postulator has decided not to receive any salary nor honorarium.
The postulator
Rev. Fr. Thomas de Gabory, OP, is a French Dominican priest from the Dominican Province of Toulouse (France). He holds a doctorate in theology (Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines), a doctorate in philosophy (Catholic Institute of Toulouse, France), a doctorate in practical philosophy (University of Paris-Est, France). He is also a medical doctor (University of Bordeaux, France).
You may contact the postulator of the cause by clicking on “Contact”.

The vice-postulator
Rev. Fr. Robert T. Young, JCD, is a Filipino diocesan priest (Prelature of Batanes, Philippines). He has a doctorate in Canon law. He lives in Manila and works at the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the diocese of Manila.
You may contact the vice-postulator of the cause by clicking on “Contact”.