Many people who knew Darwin Ramos were overwhelmed. We publish here the testimony of those who have agreed to testify:
A priest who knew Darwin at the ANAK-Tnk Foundation for street children has this to say (2018):
Darwin had a direct connection with God. He had an amazing spiritual dimension. He was a child (later on an adolescent) who was totally filled with God. I have never met a child, who, despite his tremendous suffering, managed to repeat so many times : “Thank you,” “Sorry,” “I am so happy.” He always had a smile on his lips. He was never, or very rarely, in a bad mood, even in moments of great suffering. It was his interior strength, a strength which did not come from himself nor from those around him (including those who showed admirable dedication to him), but this strength came from his direct connection with God. His short life (he was barely 17 years old when he died) was filled with misery and suffering, but at the same time, totally illuminated by his closeness to Christ. This is what is mysterious because it makes one wonder when and how Darwin received this special grace. It was at the foundation for street children where Darwin was catechized. But even before he stayed at the foundation, this presence already dwelt in him. It was not his parents who taught him basic catechism because they were very simple people who lived from collecting and recycling garbage. Darwin truly received this special grace. He was chosen to carry in his body this suffering that one never wishes to befall others. Darwin was living proof of joy and pure faith.

A caregiver of the ANAK-Tnk Foundation :
One day, when Darwin was feverish, he insisted to be helped in getting out of bed to join the others in the center so that he could lead the evening prayer. It was Jesus before anything else.

A former volunteer who witnessed Darwin’s death :
Everyone knew that Darwin was living with the sword of Damocles over his head. Darwin himself knew it. But he had accepted his illness so much so that he described it as a mission. Not only was he an inspiration throughout his illness, but he inspired many in his journey on earth.
A priest of the ANAK-Tnk Foundation :
Darwin inspired us by the way he battled his terrible illness day by day. One day when I was giving catechism lessons to a small group, Darwin, who just turned 13, told me: “Father, I know who Jesus is.” I was puzzled so I asked him to reveal his secret to me. Darwin said these words with great sincerity: “Jesus is the one the priests take care of.” Darwin did not just describe Jesus, but he also gave the definition of a priest that we, who go up to the altar, should meditate at length.
The same priest said also:
When Darwin spoke of his illness, he did not speak of his myopathy but of his “mission.” One day, he told me: “You know Father, I think Jesus wants me to hold on until the end, just like he did.”
Darwin is an amazing example of holiness. Being a street child, afflicted with myopathy, he is closely united with Christ in his suffering with joy.

A former volunteer from FIDESCO said:
Joy was ever-present at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Center. This center was home to young boys with special needs, who were all caring towards each other. This was a real brotherhood. Darwin was always delighted to receive visitors. But instead of our asking him how he was doing, he was more concerned with how we were. I taught him some French words which he perfectly remembered. Darwin was also a great singer.